The ones who control so much of our world: the governments, the banks, the media AND the ones who pull the strings from behind the curtain, have this very clever trick. They take something with hidden, or forgotten, but very sacred significance, and denigrate it. Or they sneakily re-appropriate it, giving it a new meaning so that the older, fundamental life and energy it contained is recast into something different.

Isis, for example. The name of the high Egyptian goddess of nature, motherhood and magic has been re-appropriated to describe the Islamic Militant group, penned by the media as an enemy of the West. The power and mystery of Isis means something very different when you hear it now, doesn’t it?


The same thing is true of the number 6, especially when it shows up in its triplicate, as 666. For a very, very long time, this number has been attributed to darkness, to demons, to the devil. It is a number that conjures fear and hate, that makes us feel suspicious and resistant.

And because of how far back into our recorded history this number and its mythology goes, it’s almost impossible to find out where the core of truth is, and what it holds.

So this isn’t an article about myth or religion or politics (those are totally different stories) because while the art of numerology may create a framework for those planes of reality, it is beyond them.

The messages that numbers offer when we see them repeating, can relate to, and inform on all of the goings-on of this earthly plane, but they are not defined by it.

Numbers are not inherently good or bad. They all contain positive and negative aspects, but they’re inherently balanced. They’re non-hierarchical and their energy is pure. So if you’re ever told differently, you must question your source.


The number 6 holds the resonance of the mother archetype. It represents love, compassion, nurturing, beauty, creation and service. When it shows up repeating as 66, 6:66 or as 6666, its message relates strongly to this archetype, and how it’s appearing (or deficient) in your life.


If repeating 6s are showing up for you, a really beautiful way to frame it, is as a cosmic parental force here to nurture, protect and guide you forward. You’re being gently shown by example, that there is an aspect within YOU that needs to be nurtured, protected, and guided forward. And now is the time.

It maybe clear to you what this message relates to.

There maybe a latent skill or talent that is emerging in you, or perhaps you’re being nudged in a new direction which requires you to complete some studies, or gain some certifications. It maybe time to firmly parent yourself, embodying the energy of the 6 to ensure you put the time and effort where you need to.


Repeating 6s can also be a sign that your inner child needs attention. If there are aspects of your personality that have been silenced or neglected, especially from a very young age, then it could be time for them to re-emerge, and you could need to embark upon some serious healing. Whilst this maybe a daunting journey, the appearance of repeating 6s (666, 6666) means that IT IS TIME! You are ready to do this work, and the Universe is supporting you with each step.


Both of these different, but equally maternal approaches are the means enabling you to give birth to something. It could be a new version of yourself. It could be a personal quality. It could be a new career or business venture. Whatever it is (and whether you can see the outcome or not) the message of the 6, is to nurture yourself through the process, and to see the divinity that is playing out through you. Because when you begin to use the power of the number 6, and decide to combine with Spirit to take on the role of a conscious creator, you’re sharing this role with the Earth. It’s almost as though she is gifting you some of her creative capacity, allowing you to feel her might, and what it’s like to move and make worlds.

The archetypes held within the 6, are also many of the archetypes held by Mother Earth, and specifically by the Divine Feminine. Which explains a LOT about why the meaning and significance of the 6 has been twisted and corrupted as the patriarchy has grown out of control.


So to see 666, 6666 and any other forms of repeating 6s is an incredible thing, a gift, so try not to be alarmed or to fall into the trap of believing the mis-truths you may have heard about what it means. Repeating 6s are a sign that the Earth needs you, and you have been chosen to help. So do the work! And become the person you came here to be.

Has 666 or 6666 been showing up in your life?

If you can let go of everything you thought you knew about these numbers, how do they actually make you feel?

Please share your insights below, and let’s re-claim this sacred number!



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